Published February 12, 2023

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Born on December 9, 1868, this German scientist who was the 1918 winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his extensive work on Nitrogen Fixation called the Haber-Bosch process which was a revolutionary blend of both nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia - which in turn enabled both fertilizers and ammunition to be produced at industrial scale for the first time in human history. Howbeit, this genius of a man became more famous as - The Father of modern-day chemical warfare.

The man, Fritz Haber, was widely popular for unleashing poison gas into then war trenches of First World War Germany, and for also supervising the bringing to life of Germany's gas execution chambers.

It will interest you to know that before the onset of the first and second world wars, people never thought of lethalizing gasses such as chlorine, until Haber decided to give it a try and this earned him the converted vilian-land title - Doctor Evil. Well, as a true patriot, Haber, did all this because he was a very ardent lover of his German vaterland.

With the coming to power of the Nazis in late First and early Second world war Germany, Fritz Haber was thrown into quite a very difficult spot, why? because as much of a German as he was, and as dearly as he loved his country to the point where he’d gladly gas the whole world just to prove his worth to his people, Fritz Haber was unfortunately - Jewish.

As the popular saying goes: whatever you sow, you reap - Haber's unfortunate status as a Jew forced him to leave his country, one which he dearly loved and had gone extreme miles for.

It will further interest you to know that the Haber story is one likened to a man who shoots himself in the leg - as his poison gas invention along with the gas execution chambers which he helped setup were the primary tools used to fuel the near extinction of his very own race, the Jews, during the Second World War.

Ethics aside, in Palestine, another Jewish man named Chaim Weiss saw the mad German’s worth which he desperately wanted to channel into helping the Zionist cause at the time, and guess what, Haber considered it.

Unfortunately Fritz Haber ended up dying in Basel, Switzerland, on January 29, 1934 without being able to make the trip. Haber died from heartbreak, basically caused by the dastard rejection of his own beloved fatherland.

Fritz Haber who had always considered himself German first, and Jewish second, all of a sudden was labelled a total alien and enemy-of-state, which eventually led to his rather untimely demise.

Haber’s wife, children and grandchildren, helped by his scientist friends in Germany, managed to get out of Germany in time. His sister and two of her children weren’t so lucky — as they ended up being gassed by the Nazis in 1942.

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