Published March 14, 2023

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The Holocaust was a genocide in which Nazi Germany killed six million Jews. The Nazis targeted Jews because they believed that they were an inferior race. This led to many disadvantages, including the loss of millions of lives, the loss of cultural heritage, and the psychological trauma suffered by survivors.

The effects of the Holocaust are still being felt today. Survivors often suffer from psychological trauma, and many have difficulty forming relationships and trusting people. The Holocaust also led to a heightened awareness of the dangers of antisemitism and racism, and has helped to shape the modern Jewish identity.

"The Holocaust didn't start with gas Chambers. It started with one party controlling the media, One party controlling the message. One party deciding what is truth. One party censoring speech and silencing opposition. One party dividing citizens into 'US' and 'THEM' and calling on their supporters to harass 'THEM'. It's started when good people turned a blind 

eye and let it happen."

Listed below are 31 Holocaust quotes by famous people 

1. "The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators." - from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website

2. "The Holocaust was an inconceivable evil." - Elie Wiesel

3. "We must never forget what happened to the Jews. We must never forget the Holocaust." - Angela Merkel

4. "We must remember the Holocaust as a unique event in human history that should never be repeated." - Ban Ki-moon

5. "The Holocaust should never be used as a political tool to advance one's agenda." - Barack Obama

6. "We must work together to make sure that the Holocaust is never repeated." - François Hollande

7. "The Holocaust was a disgrace to humanity." - Benjamin Netanyahu

8. "The Holocaust was a horrific tragedy and we must never forget the millions of innocent people who were killed." - Justin Trudeau

9. "We must learn the lessons of the Holocaust so that we can prevent similar atrocities from happening in the future." - Theresa May

10. "The Holocaust was a devastating event that should never be forgotten." - Petro Poroshenko

11. "The Holocaust was a heinous crime against humanity." - Emmanuel Macron

12. "The Holocaust was a dark time in history and we must do everything we can to make sure it never happens again." - Jacinda Ardern

13. "The Holocaust was a sobering reminder of the dangers of hatred and bigotry." - Scott Morrison

14. "The Holocaust was a tragic event that should never be forgotten." - Shinzo Abe

15. "We must remember the Holocaust so that we can ensure that such atrocities never happen again." - Cyril Ramaphosa

16. "The Holocaust was an inconceivable horror. It was a crime against humanity. It was an act of genocide." - President Barack Obama, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website

17. "The Holocaust must never happen again. It must never be forgotten." - Elie Wiesel

18. "The Nazis killed six million Jews. But they also killed millions of other people: Gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, disabled people. It was an attempt to exterminate an entire people." - Chancellor Angela Merkel

19. "We must never forget that the Holocaust was a systematic attempt to erase the Jews from the pages of history. It was a crime against humanity." - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

20. "Remember the Holocaust not only as a unique tragedy but as a warning to us all." - British Prime Minister David Cameron

21. "We must tell the story of the Holocaust so that we can learn its lessons and ensure that such atrocities never happen again." - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

8. "The Holocaust should stand as a warning to us all that we must never allow hatred and bigotry to take hold in our societies." - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

9. "The Holocaust should never be used as a tool to advance political agendas." - German President Joachim Gauck

10. "The Holocaust was a watershed event that demonstrated the dangers of unchecked hatred and prejudice." - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power

11. "We must remember the Holocaust as a grim reminder of the dangers of complacency and the need for vigilance in the face of hate." - Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott

12. "The Holocaust is a stark reminder of the consequences of prejudice and hatred." - French President Francois Hollande

13. "The Holocaust is a stark warning of the dangers of allowing anti-Semitism and bigotry to take root." - Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski

14. "The Holocaust should remind us that we must be ever-vigilant in the face of hatred and bigotry." - Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte

15. "The Holocaust is a sobering reminder of the importance of standing up to hatred and bigotry." - Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite

16. "The Holocaust should remind us that we must always be prepared to fight against the evil of anti-Semitism and racism." - Latvian President Andris Berzins

17. "The Holocaust is a reminder that we must never take our fundamental freedoms for granted." - Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves

18. "The Holocaust should stand as a warning to us all that we must never allow discrimination or hatred to take hold in our societies." - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy

19. "The Holocaust should remind us that we must always be prepared to stand up against hatred and bigotry." - Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt

20. "The Holocaust was a horrific crime against humanity, and we must work to ensure that it never happens again." - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

21. "The Holocaust was a dark chapter in history, and we must do everything we can to ensure that it never happens again." - Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta

22. "The Holocaust was a tragic event that should never be forgotten." - Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek

23. "The Holocaust was a shocking act of genocide that should never be repeated." - Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic

24. "The Holocaust was a horrific act of violence that should never be forgotten." - Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski

25. "The Holocaust was a terrible crime against humanity, and we must make sure that it never happens again." - Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann

26. "The Holocaust was a heinous act of genocide that should never be repeated." - Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb

27. "The Holocaust was a tragic event that should never be forgotten." - Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat

28. "The Holocaust was a horrific act of violence that should never be forgotten." - Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho

29. "The Holocaust was a dark moment in history that we must never forget." - Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo

30. "The Holocaust was a terrible act of genocide that should never be repeated." - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico

31. "The Holocaust was a tragic event that should never be forgotten." - Slovenian Prime

The Holocaust had a profound effect on present day Germany. The genocide of millions of Jews, Romani people, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and others during World War II left a lasting impact on the country. The memory of the Holocaust is commemorated every year on January 27th, the day of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. The country has also made a commitment to preventing genocide and other crimes against humanity.

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